Friend of the Camp

Partner with us in camp ministry…

Costs continue to rise as many summer camps are routinely charging over $450 for a week long session. With our mission to help campers enrich their personal relationship with Christ, while discovering God's will in their lives, we want to impact as many as we can. So in order to keep camp affordable for families, we look to charge only 50% of the total cost to operate camp.

… so camp can be financially accessible to everyone!

When you partner with our ministry and become a “Friend of the Camp” you are committing to cover the other half of a camper’s fee. With your help and a minimum donation of $20/month (totaling $240/year) we are able to reduce the cost of camp for families. Your monthly financial support of this ministry allows campers to come and experience life changing moments here at White Mills Christian Camp.

Get started in only 4 steps!

Step #1

Head over to the camp’s donation page to get started as a Friend of the Camp.

Step #2

Enter your minimum monthly gift of at least $20.00

Then select “Recurring” under Frequency and choose your monthly start date.

Step #3

Under the title
I Want To Support:

Select General Fund for the Campaign and Friend of the Camp for the Purpose.

Step #4

Fill in the rest of your personal information and setup a credit card or eCheck to complete your donation.

Thank you for supporting the camp ministry!