2023 - 3rd Issue

Summer Camp Update

Camp is off and running but it's not too late to sign up and join in on one of our great camp sessions.

We have camp for 4 years old through 12th grade and when you add in wilderness camps and specialty camps you will find that there is something for everyone!


Upcoming Events:

2023 Ladies Retreat

Ready for something different? This year we are kicking off the Ladies Retreat on Thursday evening!

Here's the plan: arrive Thursday evening after 7:00 pm. Use the evening to unwind and rest. We will have activities available but you can also choose to read, knit, go to bed, or just visit. Then we will get started on Friday morning with planned events.

Date: September 14-16, 2023
Speaker: Debbie Roth Worship: Kelly Garrison

Registration is open now!

2023 Seniors Luncheon

Please join us Tuesday, September 19 from 11:00 am - 2:00 pm for a wonderful time of fellowship, worship, and a tasty lunch!

Registration is now open by visiting our website or calling the camp. More information will be coming soon.


Did you know?

  • New paving has been added including expanded parking.

  • A new gazebo has been built near the Retreat Center for small group meetings.

Save the Date!

  • Men's Conference: April 25-27, 2024


2023 - 4th Issue


2023 - 2nd Issue